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Murali Dhakal
My name is Murali Dhakal I was born on 15th Magh 2040 in Sarlahi, Hiraput. I have studied till 8th grade. I have worked as a driver in Sapana Village Lodge for over 15 years and still working till date. Before this job I have worked in River side as a Driver for 4 years. I have also stayed in Qatar & India for 1.5 years & 4 years respectively to work as a driver. My family consists of dad, mom, brother, daughter in law, daughter, son & niece. My goal is to earn enough money to afford a luxurious car & make a living out of it.
My name is Murali Dhakal I was born on 15th Magh 2040 in Sarlahi, Hiraput. I have studied till 8th grade. I have worked as a driver in Sapana Village Lodge for over 15 years and still working till date. Before this job I have worked in River side as a Driver for 4 years. I have also stayed in Qatar & India for 1.5 years & 4 years respectively to work as a driver. My family consists of dad, mom, brother, daughter in law, daughter, son & niece. My goal is to earn enough money to afford a luxurious car & make a living out of it.